Honours and Awards
The WA Police Force has a range of honours and awards that recognise the service, achievement and contribution of employees of the Western Australian Police Force and members of the community. These include internal, external and national awards.
The honours and awards are processed by the WA Police Force Honours and Awards Unit.
National Awards
You can find more information on National Awards on the It's An Honour website.
The Public Service Medal (PSM) recognises outstanding service by employees of the Australian Government and state, territory and local government employees.
The PSM is announced on Australia Day and the Monarch’s Birthday each year.
The Australian Police Medal (APM) recognises distinguished service by a member of an Australian Police Force.
The Governor-General awards the APM on the recommendation of the responsible Commonwealth, state and territory ministers.
The APM is announced on Australia Day and the Monarch’s Birthday each year.
The National Police Service Medal (NPSM) was established on 9 November 2010 by Letters Patent. On 12 April 2014 the Prime Minister announced that Her Majesty had agreed to his recommendation to amend the Letters Patent to extend the eligibility for the NPSM to recognise service on or after 14 February 1975, the date on which the Australian honours system was established.
The NPSM recognises the special status that sworn police officers have because of their role protecting the community. It represents a police officer’s past and future commitment to give ethical and diligent service.
The NPSM is awarded by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Commissioner of the Australian police force of which the person is, or was last, a member.
A minimum of 15 years service with the WA Police Force or other Australian police jurisdiction is required to be eligible for the medal.
Current employees are automatically considered for the NPSM.
Former members who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for this award should download and complete the following form.
The National Medal (NM) recognises long and diligent service by members of recognised government and voluntary organisations that risk their lives or safety to protect or assist the community in enforcement of law or in times or emergency or natural disaster.
This includes government organisations such as ambulance, correctional, emergency, fire and police forces, and voluntary organisations such as lifesaving or search and rescue groups.
The NM is awarded by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the approved organisation of which the person is, or was last, a member.
A minimum of 15 years service with an approved organisation(s) is required to be eligible for the medal. A member must have been serving or after 14 February 1975 to qualify for the NM.
Current employees are automatically considered for the NM.
Former members who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for this award should download and complete the following form.
WA Police Force Medals
The WA Police Force has a number of awards to recognise employees of the WA Police Force and members of the community who have performed an exceptionally brave act.
The Cross for Bravery is awarded to WA Police Force employees for an act of most conspicuous courage whereby the person placed them self at peril and risk of significant personal injury or death.
Bar to the Cross for Bravery is awarded to WA Police Force employees who have already been awarded the Cross for Bravery and performed another similar act.
Commissioner’s Special Commendation for Bravery is awarded to WA Police Force employees and members of the community for an exceptional act of bravery whereby the person placed them self at risk of personal injury, the action exceeding that which might be reasonably expected.
Commissioner’s Commendation for Bravery is awarded to WA Police Force employees and members of the community for an exceptional act of bravery whereby the person displayed meritorious conduct under stressful conditions and there was minimal risk to the person but their actions are nevertheless highly commendable.
Commissioner’s Group Citation for Conduct is awarded to a team or community group who perform exceptional acts of bravery and display a significant level of commitment, dedication and professionalism in extenuating circumstances.
The Commissioner’s Medal for Excellence recognises employees of the WA Police Force who have demonstrated excellence in service to the WA Police Force and the community of Western Australia.
The WA Police Force Star recognises employees of the WA Police Force who are killed or seriously injured while carrying out their primary functions on or off duty. It acknowledges the unique and unpredictable dangers of policing in the community and the sacrifices made serving the community of Western Australia.
Current and former members who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for this award should download and complete the following form.
The WA Police Force Service Medal was instituted on 12 February 2001 to recognise the sustained diligent and ethical service by employees of the WA Police Force.
A minimum of 10 years service with the WA Police Force is required to be eligible for the medal.
The clasp to the medal is awarded for each additional 5 years of diligent and ethical service.
Former members who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for this award should download and complete the following form.
Current employees are automatically considered for the Western Australia Police Service Medal.
The WA Police Force Aboriginal Service Medal is a tangible acknowledgement of the dedication and service to police duty by Aboriginal Officers and Staff of the WA Police Force.
Records show that Aboriginal people have worked in unity with Police in WA since the early nineteenth century; carrying out important roles such as Aboriginal Assistants, Police Aides, Aboriginal Police Liaison Officers, Police Staff, Community Liaison Officers and as Police Officers.
The awarding of this medal denotes that Aboriginal employees are valued for their service and it conveys to the community of WA that Aboriginal people have maintained a strong role in law enforcement and in keeping our community safe.
The inaugural WA Police Force Aboriginal Service Medal was held on 30 May 2019 at Government House.
Employees who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander with a minimum of 3 years of diligent and ethical service with the WA Police Force are eligible for the medal.
Former members who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for this award should download and complete the following form.
The WA Police Force Cadet Medal recognises employees who are committed to joining the WA Police Force as a police officer.
To be eligible for the medal, the employee must complete a minimum of 6 months service as a cadet and successfully complete the recruit course, probation period and be permanently appointed to the rank of Constable.
Former members who meet the eligibility criteria and wish to apply for this award, please download and complete the following form.
The WA Police Force Certificate of Outstanding Performance provides recognition of exemplary performance; individual or group citations can be awarded.
The WA Police Force Certificate of Appreciation is awarded to community members or groups whose contribution or assistance provided to the WA Police Force is beyond what is required of their normal everyday duties.
The WA Police Force Honours and Awards Unit provides information and submits nominations for consideration of recognition by these external organisations:
Australian Bravery Decorations
Royal Humane Society of Australasia
Police Federation of Australia
Royal Life Saving WA
Surf Life Saving WA