Pay Infringement

IMPORTANT: Please read prior to paying your infringement.
Payment must be made in full by the payment due date. Failure to pay by the payment due date will result in the issue of a Final Demand with added costs and an additional 28 days to pay.

If the Final Demand is not paid your infringement may be registered at the Fines Enforcement Registry, which carries further costs and possible suspension of your vehicle and/or drivers licence.

The Fines Enforcement Registry legislation does allow part payments once a matter is lodged with them. For further inquiries contact the Fines Enforcement Registry on phone 1300 650 235, Eastern States callers phone (08) 9235 0235, or visit the Department of the Attorney General website.

Payment of the full amount by the payment due date will be accepted. Part payments cannot be accepted.

Payment after the payment due date will be rejected and further notices issued, incurring additional processing costs.

Payment can be made using Visa or Mastercard.

Payments made online or over the phone should be made before 9pm Australian Western Standard Time on the payment due date to allow for processing times.

Pay infringement