Notice Requesting Information
If you have received the form titled Notice Requesting Information (NRI), you do not need to pay this fine if you can return the form to police nominating the driver (or person in charge) before the compliance date.
Do you know the driver or person in charge?
If you know the driver or person in charge and the compliance date has not expired, please fill out Division 1 on the form and return it to:
Infringement Management & Operations
Locked Bag 40
Perth Business Centre WA 6849
A new Traffic Infringement Notice will be issued to the nominated person and the requirements of the NRI have been satisfied. No further action is required.
Please read the Notice Requesting Information carefully, as it explains the obligations and requirements of the vehicle owner should the vehicle have been stolen at the time of offence or if the driver is unknown.
Please note: Under Road Traffic (Administration) Act 2008, section 34 and 35 there is a requirement for a business/corporation to maintain records of the driver/person in charge of a vehicle, so that if requested by Police the details can be supplied.
If the NRI is not returned to Infringement Management and Operations by the 'COMPLIANCE DATE', the NRI becomes an infringement for the offence of 'Failing to Comply' with the Notice Requesting Information. The company is liable for the penalty on the rear of the notice which is double what an individual would have received. This must be paid by the 'PAYMENT DATE' to avoid further fees.
Click the orange button below to pay the NRI because the driver or person in charge cannot be identified and the Compliance date has expired.