What can I do ?

To report the sale of liquor to juveniles call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000

To report groups drinking in public areas please call police on 131 444

To report sly grogging please call the Sly Grog Hotline on 1800 333 000

In your community

Western Australian communities are affected by many alcohol-related problems, caused by excessive alcohol consumption, including:

Clandestine drug laboratories

Clandestine drug labs are dangerous. They are used to produce illegal drugs which can create fumes which are dangerous to your health and they also can explode and catch on fire - they place everyone in the community at risk.

If you suspect a clandestine laboratory in your area, notify police immediately or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Tobacco control

To report unlawful sales of cigarettes to juveniles please call the Department of Health Tobacco Control Branch.