About Calling 000 and 131 444

Police 131 444. Save 000 for emergencies.

Press '1' if you require a police officer to attend an incident now.
Press '2' to report an incident that does not require immediate police attendance or for general information.

When do I call 000?

Only call 000 in an emergency or life-threatening situation, when urgent police assistance is needed, for example:

  • a serious crime is in progress, being witnessed or just committed;
  • any situation where life or serious injury is threatened;
  • a car accident where people are trapped or seriously injured;
  • a serious air, rail or water incident;
  • any incident which poses an immediate threat of danger to people or property; or
  • an explosion or bomb incident or threat.

Under Commonwealth and State laws, it is an offence to misuse the 000 emergency services number. Action will be taken against those who misuse or make nuisance calls on the 000 line.

When do I call 131 444?

Call 131 444 for police assistance or attendance and when it is not an emergency, for example:

  • reporting a disturbance or breach of the peace (antisocial behaviour);
  • reporting something which has happened in the past;
  • reporting a property-related incident for insurance purposes; or
  • making a complaint against police or another individual.

Callers to 131444 will be asked to press '1' on their phones if they require a Police Officer to attend an incident now. If you need to report an incident that does not require immediate Police attendance or for general information you will be asked to press '2'.

Calls to 131 444 from most regional areas are automatically directed to the nearest police station.

Speech or hearing impaired

If you have a speech or hearing disability the triple zero service (000) can be accessed via the National Relay Service, call TTY 106.

When do I contact Crime Stopppers?

Contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or report online if you have information about any crime, or any suspicious activities, or if you think you have useful information that may help prevent a crime.